__stderrp problem after 4.8 binary upgrade

Larry Rosenman ler at lerctr.org
Sun Apr 6 18:10:55 PDT 2003

--On Monday, April 07, 2003 02:08:12 +0100 Richard Tobin 
<richard at cogsci.ed.ac.uk> wrote:

>> > But as I said, I did a *binary* upgrade and selected all the compat
>> > packages.  Do I have to do something with the sources *as well*???
>> > Why?
>> There was an update later in the cycle.
>> The 4.8 compat libs should have the right stuff.
> I'm sorry, I don't understand that.  Later in the cycle than what?
> What should someone doing a binary update to 4.8-RELEASE do to make
> this work?
Oh, missed that.   I know the compat libraries in the source tree from 
before the
4.8 tag have the right things.

I've not done a binary upgrade, so I don't know.

If you can pull the source tree, and cd /usr/src/lib/compat/compat3x.i386

and type

make install
make clean

you should be fine.

As to why the binary upgrade didn't upgrade, I'm not sure.


> -- Richard

Larry Rosenman                     http://www.lerctr.org/~ler
Phone: +1 972-414-9812                 E-Mail: ler at lerctr.org
US Mail: 1905 Steamboat Springs Drive, Garland, TX 75044-6749

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