DC clients - do they actually work?

Chip chip at wiegand.org
Sun Apr 6 00:30:13 PST 2003

kitsune wrote:

>On Sat, 05 Apr 2003 22:19:43 -0800
>Chip <chip at wiegand.org> wrote:
>>I installed both of the direct connect clients (dc-gui and dctc-gui) in 
>>the ports and they both installed properly, but I cannot get either one 
>>of them to download the file lists from the online users. I also have a 
>>windoze box using DC++ and it works great, so I know my firewall and 
>>configuration of the clients is not the problem. Generally a 
>>double-click on a user name will get the file list for that user, but in 
>>both of the freebsd versions a double-click brings up the chat window. I 
>>cannot find any way to get a file list.
>>Anyone else using either of the DC clients actually able to get file 
>>lists and download files from the DC network hubs?
>I have not had a problem downloading either, but I had the problem of not being able to upload to window users.
I had no problem downloading the clients. Its in the client and double 
-clic or right click I get no option to download the users file list. 
How do I get the users file list?


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