4.8 mini-iso wont boot off SCSI cdrom

taxman taxman at acd.net
Sat Apr 5 18:50:22 PST 2003

On Saturday 05 April 2003 08:42 pm, C Mead wrote:
> Hi all,
> Wondering if anyone has had, or can try to recreate the problem below.
> Just downloaded the 4.8 mini iso, and tried booting it from a Plextor UW
> SCSI cdrom, for some reason though it doesnt want to boot from it. The

at what point does it fail?  Do you see any messages?

> cd works I've booted it on 2 other machines with IDE drives, so its not
> the media(cdrom) itself.
> And I've booted both Slackware and Gentoo iso's on the scsi cdrom and
> they boot fine as well.
> I have just stuck a old IDE cdrom in the SCSI box and it boots the
> install fine from that drive.

we need the output of the boot messages to be able to figure out why and see 
what hardware you have.  Boot with the IDE drive then use a fixit floppy 
to save the output of dmesg.  That needs to be written as an image to a 
floppy.  See the install instructions in the handbook for how.

Or just install using the IDE cdrom and copy the text from the file 

> I am quite new to the BSD world coming from Linux, so I have little
> experience other than running 5 for about a month, but I was advised to
> go back to the 4.* series for the usage I want from this machine.
> Is it possible that the mini iso has a bug with respect to SCSI cdroms?

sure.  Try the 4.8 boot floppies, do they give the same problem?


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