Is there a command for Unix which can detach process fromconsole and wait until its finish?

Bill Moran wmoran at
Sat Apr 5 04:58:23 PST 2003

sergey dyshel wrote:
> Hi
> I have one problem with '.xinitrc' file. I need to run
> IceWM, detach it from console and wait until IceWM
> exits. I know about 'detach' utility for Unix which
> runs process, detaches it but doesn't wait. So when I
> place "exec detach icewm" in the end of my '.xinitrc'
> X server shuts down immediately after starting icewm
> which isn't what I want. Is there a programm like
> 'detach' which does't exit until detached process is finished?

I can not conceive of what you are trying to accomplish, but ...

Have you tried detaching the startx process instead of the
icewm process?

Bill Moran
Potential Technologies

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