Hell of a time, Cont'd

Dave McCammon davemac11 at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 1 08:44:39 PST 2003

--- John McClure <chromodromic at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Firstly, thanks for the help so far.
> My disk is an IBM 27G. The Disklabel config looks
> like
> this:
> Part     Mount          Size Newfs   Part
> ----     -----          ---- -----   ----
> ad0s1a   /            1024MB UFS1    Y
> ad0s1b   swap         1024MB SWAP
> ad0s1d   /var          256MB UFS1+S  Y
> ad0s1e   /tmp          256MB UFS1+S  Y
> ad0s1f   /usr        23545MB UFS1+S  Y
> Also, for the "f" partition I make sure that:
> newfs -f 2048 -b 16384
> As far as my installation specs go, I choose "All"
> to
> install everything, including source, which I want,
> and I choose the ports collection as well because it
> feels me with a sense of divine power, and I also
> actually use it.
> As you can see, my /usr mount should have plenty o'
> space.
> When I specify mount points manually I enter "/" or
> "/usr", not "mnt/usr". However, I've only, on most
> tries, been specifying the root partition and swap,
> so
> I can control those sizes, and letting the "Auto"
> config take over after that.
> Finally, when I create the initial slice, I allocate
> the whole space for freebsd, which I want, and I
> press
> "S" in order to ensure that it is bootable.
> Thanks again. Any advice is hugely appreciated.

Are you getting the error message when the files start
to copy?
Where are you installing from? CD/DVD? FTP?
I had install problems using a realtek/8139 based NIC
using ftp as install source. Either swap cards or use
the URL option (specified ip address to
ftp.freebsd.org) was the recommeded fix. Had something
to do with rl driver, the name lookup and the memory
disk (/mnt) used in install... don't remember exactly.
I had this with 4.7 floppies and 5.0 install floppies.

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