Ansible 2.0

Nikolai Lifanov lifanov at
Tue Dec 8 01:37:22 UTC 2015

On 2015-12-07 17:44, Johannes Jost Meixner wrote:
> Hash: SHA256
> On 12/ 7/15 09:08 PM, Nikolai Lifanov wrote:
>> On 12/07/15 13:40, Johannes Jost Meixner wrote:
>>> Hey Nikolai,
>>> I've just heard that Ansible 2.0-RC2 has been released.
>>> Do you plan to do a port for it, or would you rather someone else
>>> took that over?
>>> Best -Johannes
>> I plan to port Ansible 2.0 when it's released as sysutils/ansible
>> and move 1.9 to sysutils/ansible1. If it's valuable to track RC
>> releases, I'm not opposed to creating something like
>> sysutils/ansible-devel.
> I don't think -devel will be necessary - judging from what I've heard
> on #ansible (freenode) from the developer that said RC2 was ready,
> they plan to release 2.0 "soon", within one or two weeks.
> Given that I've also heard that most syntax will work in 2.0 I think
> your idea (ansible to get 2.x and ansible1 for 1.9.4) is reasonable.
> Best
> - -Johannes
>> I have not tracked any RC releases in the past (1.9, 1.8, etc.).
>> Thoughts?
>> - Nikolai Lifanov _______________________________________________
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> - --
> I've recently changed my email address to:
>     johannes at
> Please update your addressbook accordingly.
> Best regards,
> Johannes Meixner

Cool, thanks. I'll stick to the plan in this case. Syntax changes are 
significant enough to warrant ansible1 for a few months to give people 
lots of time to migrate. Changes from 1.8 to 1.9 or 1.7 to 1.8 were 
incompatible, but much more minor. I'm sympathetic to overlapping 
support so that people aren't forced to run unsupported software at any 
point in time.

Another thought is, I don't trust Ansible releases to go well. I created 
the port circa 0.9. It's a lot better now, but before the move to 
Github, snapshots were being rerolled with no 
warning. Now I occasionally see one or two bugfix releases within 24 
hours of each other. Given that it's possible to run beta/RC tags from a 
git checkout, tracking these has not been attractive to me.


- Nikolai Lifanov

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