PowerPC G5 cpufreq issue

Javi Hotmail volkovdablo at hotmail.com
Thu Dec 24 23:00:07 UTC 2020

Hello all,

When I boot my XserveG5 (FreeBSD 12.2-RELEASE r366954 GENERIC powerpc),
even when using kern.smp.disabled=1, I get the following error from powerd:

/powerd: no cpufreq(4) support -- aborting: No such file or directory/

I've been looking in the forums and looks like something pretty similar
happened before, but I was wondering if a solution was achieved.

The worst part is that even if I'm not doing anything after  ~5 minutes
I get:

WARNING: Current temperature (CPU B DIODE TEMP: 160.9 C) exceeds
critical temperature (90.0 C); count=1
WARNING: Current temperature (CPU A DIODE TEMP: 156.2 C) exceeds
critical temperature (90.0 C); count=1

And it keeps printing this messages until it shuts down a few seconds
later. I've checked the temperature on the heatsinks and they are just a
bit warm, and the room temperature is around 12 degrees Celsius, so I
really doubt the CPUs are reaching this temperature whatsoever.

Any advice?

Kind Regards,

Javier Bizcocho.

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