recent problems with PowerMac G5 64 bit USB

Tom Pusateri pusateri at
Mon Dec 10 02:27:34 UTC 2018

> On Dec 9, 2018, at 5:32 PM, Dennis Clarke <dclarke at> wrote:
> On 12/9/18 5:22 PM, Tom Pusateri wrote:
>> Thanks for the detailed instructions.
>> I’m still getting USB timeouts even after setting kern.smp.disabled=1 and so no keyboard after boot -sv
> wild. My way of saying ... never seen that before.
> I can only assume you already reached for some other dirt common PC type
> keyboard and plugged it into one of the rear usb ports.
> I hate to suggest going backwards but do try some normal PC keyboard
> using the rear usb ports and also, this may be a waste of time, give a
> try with RC1 which was working well for me with all four cpu cores on
> the same hardware. However I suspect there is some subtle diff between
> my G5 and your G5 in some way.  Just a guess.
> Dennis

Unplugged the Apple Cinema Display hub and it’s working ok with the Apple Keyboard/Mouse.

Got registered and joined the #freebsd IRC channel but didn’t see you there.

I did get 12.0-RC3 to install ok and run ok. SMP wasn’t enabled after reboot. Is there a way to re-enable it?

uname -a reports powperpc not powerpc64 even though I downloaded powerpc64. Is there a way to check if it’s running in 32 bit mode or 64 bit mode?

pkg installed but failed because of a missing error. Seems as though is now there. pkg-static worked.

Will freebsd-update work?

Thanks for all your help.


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