PowerPC Packages

Mark Millard markmi at dsl-only.net
Mon Jun 23 14:42:02 UTC 2014


[I'm around the powermacs again for a few days...]

There are old notes around (in https://wiki.freebsd.org/BuildingFreeBSDWithClang ) about position independent code problems for powerpc (but not powerpc64): "PIC missing". Under FreeBSD-10.0-STABLE-powerpc-20140608-r267232 (so using clang 3.4.1) I tried compiling and linking libcxxrt* with clang and the libcxxrt.so.1 link failed with the link reporting...

Warning: creating a DT_TEXTREL in a shared object

then the make aborting for a non-zero return code. It appeared that all the involved compilation to *.So's had -fPIC specified but the above was still produced. I've not investigated further.

For shared library usage: without libcxxrt.so.1 being available some basic things would be broken no matter what the status of libc++* (also missing in action).

Mark Millard
markmi at dsl-only.net

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