IBook G4 and FreeBSD 9.0-RC2: unable to create four slices on hard drive?

Andrey V. Elsukov ae at FreeBSD.org
Fri Nov 18 04:48:17 UTC 2011

On 17.11.2011 20:33, Marcel Moolenaar wrote:
>> So, i wrote a small patch. It reserves first 14 sectors to be able
>> create new partitions. Also, we can add a check that is there some free
>> space to extend APM when we are trying to add new partition.
>> Marcel what you think about that?
> I don't think it's a good idea for the simple reason that if I
> want to split the first partition into 2, I may find that I
> cannot recreate the first at the same offset as the one I
> deleted, because gpart adjusted the first usable sector.
> The fundamental problem here is that the APM only has 3 entries
> usable for partitions and since we don't have a gpart method
> for extending the partition table, users just need to destroy
> and recreate.

Ok. I have read information about APM and it seems our code
incorrectly handles the APM self size. We always have assumed
that maximum allowed entries == total allocated entries, i.e.
self.ent_pmblkcnt. But the size of APM and number of already
allocated entries could be different. And it seems that APM
created from Mac OS, always has some space reserved for expanding
the self.

So, there is the patch for review:

1. I changed default number of entries to 30 (actually it could be
reduced to 14). New tables will consume 32 sectors and the first
available sector for partitions will be 4k aligned.

2. The new table hasn't any preallocated entries. It only has
reserved space for APM self.

3. Maximum number of entries is determined from the APM self size.

4. Now we can add new partitions while we have free space in the APM
and they will be allocated and ent_pmblkcnt will grow.

> In general: don't look too much and/or too often to quick and
> dirty "magical" work-arounds or solutions. Understand the
> problem and be willing to say that we don't have a solution
> for it (yet). Keep the schemes simple and straight-forward
> so they all behave the same with roughly the same limitations
> and features.

Yes, you are right, i need spend some time before make patches :)

WBR, Andrey V. Elsukov

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