FreeBSD on Mac Mini

richo richo at
Wed Nov 16 22:29:52 UTC 2011

On 16/11/11 20:36 +0100, Milan Obuch wrote:
>On Wed, 16 Nov 2011 15:20:36 +1100
>richo <richo at> wrote:
>> On 15/11/11 08:56 -0500, Super Bisquit wrote:
>> >You have to do the partitioning from within the macosx system.
>> >
>> Did you even read his post? His issue is that 10.4 can't resize a
>> live FS.
>Well, to be honest, this is not my main issue. I am going to create new
>disk from scratch and my small experience tells partitioning should be
>done from Mac OS X Disk Utility, at least first part. I just wanted to
>know if anybody uses such setup and have some tips for this.
>What makes me a bit unhappy is display resolution. In console mode full
>HD 1920x1080, not fully used, but in X only 1400x1050. (A bit more than
>announced in my first post, anyway, still not full HD resolution.) So
>if someone could use FullHD resolution with Mac Mini and could share
>some ideas how to achieve this...

Apologies guys,

I read two similar emails one after the other, then came back and replied to
the wrong one.

I was out of line.


richo || Today's excuse:

Bogon emissions
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