Screamer and Tumbler and Snapper Audio drivers in -STABLE

Nathan Whitehorn whitehorn at
Mon Feb 9 07:03:59 PST 2009

Horst Günther Burkhardt III wrote:
> Hey everybody,
> 	Just wondering if Marco Trillo's code for Tumbler and Snapper audio
> (and all the other Crystal Audio) has been merged into -STABLE yet - I'm
> thinking of finally jumping over to STABLE and want to know if I'll have
> to hand-patch the kernel again...
> 	Thanks.
> 	-- Horst.

Still only in -CURRENT. I'm about to start prepping some other changes 
(ATA DMA) for MFC, but due to the various I2C infrastructure changes 
required, it may be a little while before that driver ends up in -STABLE.

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