freebsd-ppc on iMac G3

Peter Grehan grehan at
Mon Mar 28 18:54:48 PST 2005

> It has been reported that X with accel works on the iMac DV or there
> abouts.
> How far is it from official release and ready for crucial work stations?

  It's a tier-2 platform. Can't say I'd be sure when it will make the 
transition to tier-1, except that the more people use it as is and give 
feedback the faster that will happen (hint, hint).

> How does bsd-ppc compare lets say linux-ppc distros, such as debian-ppc
> or ubuntu-ppc, in processing efficiency?

  It would be interesting to compare. I'd have to say that given some of 
innefficiencies in various code paths (syscall, context switch etc) in 
FreeBSD/PPC and the much longer amount of time and larger user base that 
Linux/PPC has, it would be no contest in their favour.

> Also I noticed that there is no "Other platforms" that I believe was
> existed and from which the ppc page link could be ascertained.  Does
> this reflect a change in official support?

  Don't ascribe links appearing/disappearing to anything other than the 
fact that I haven't gotten off my lazy a&$# to fix them :)



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