Need help with python based port (home assistant)

Rozhuk Ivan at
Mon Nov 23 03:28:29 UTC 2020


Im trying to make Home Assistant port.

It requires many deps:
    # PyJWT has loose dependency. We want the latest one.

we have most of them, but many ports have different versions.

I made a hack:
	@${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|requests==2.25.0|requests>=2.22.0|g' \
		-e 's|cryptography==3.2|cryptography>=2.6.1|g' \
		-e 's|aiohttp==3.7.1|aiohttp>=3.6.2|g' \
		-e 's|==|>=|g' \
it force to use newer versions and make few downgrades.
With this HA install and start.
But on first start it show errors in console and download and install
some python packets that was hacked version and some packets that
was not in requires list.
(I suspest it set as deps in plugins/componets)


1. Is it ok that I use hack to change required deps versions?
Or how to deal with it?

2. Is it ok that HA download all deps that required into HA
work dir?
Should I add all these deps in port to prevent this?

3. If I set: USES=cpe python:3.8+ then some deps fail to install,
but with
all install ok.
Is it ok?

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