FreeBSD Port: dhcpcd-9.1.0

Douglas Thrift douglaswth at
Sat Jun 6 23:54:09 UTC 2020


I just upgraded to dhcpcd 9.1.0 and I'm running into some weird issues.
The first thing I noticed was that the value for `pidfile` changed which
made a `service dhcpcd restart igb0` fail initially. After figuring this
out, I was able to stop the previous dhcpcd manually and then I
discovered that the `pidfile` was still incorrect:


should actually be:


However, even after changing that, running `service dhcpcd start igb0`
was sticking to the foreground rather than daemonizing and returning me
to a prompt. I tried a number of ways to pass the -b/--background flag,
but even just running `dhcpcd -b igb0` manually did not daemonize.

Could you look into these issues?

Douglas William Thrift

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