portmaster new development

Kurt Jaeger pi at freebsd.org
Sun Dec 27 08:22:47 UTC 2020


> How is poudriere in that regard?  I never used poudriere, have been intimidated by not wanting to use zfs or dialog4ports, or such an elaborate setup just to update one or a few ports.

poudriere is really, really useful. Because it delivers a complete,
consistent package repo of all the ports (with individual options).
And it does so repeatable, down to one or several seperate os versions
to build for or a specific point in time for the ports tree,
with some individual options etc.

> I found that poudriere uses dialog4ports; I much prefer to save options in a file such as Gentoo Linux does with make.conf and (NetBSD) pkgsrc does with mk.conf .

That works as well. I have a checkout of the ports tree, use
make config to define non-default port options. This stores the
selected OPTIONs in /var/db/ports/, and poudriere uses those options
just fine.

Combined with lots of RAM, ZFS on SSDs and ccache, compilation is very fast.

pi at opsec.eu            +49 171 3101372                    Now what ?

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