python 2.7 marked as deprecated and EOL while 2.7.18 RC is available

Roger Marquis marquis at
Sat Apr 25 23:21:34 UTC 2020

Kurt Jaeger wrote:
> I prepared a patch to build lyx without the 2.7 restriction. The
> patch needs a run-test, can you test and report back ?

Has anyone enumerated the ports and applications which don't work with
python{,2,2.7} symlinked from pypy?  Mailman seems fine but fail2ban
does not start, at least not when it was installed using the original
python2.7 port.  One heads-up is that pypy can take more than an hour to
compile (on x86_64).  The build relies on a single python2 thread which
eventually utilizes over 5GB RAM.


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