D22521: new ports: Nvidia headless/hybrid graphics ("Optimus" support) needs commit / review

Theron Tarigo theron at freebsd.org
Tue Apr 7 20:04:44 UTC 2020

Hello all,

The work by myself and other users of Nvidia-gfx laptops to patch the 
driver to work for us has been stuck in review for a few months now.  
The reason for review of what would normally be a routine new-ports bug 
submission is that changes to x11/nvidia-driver/Makefile are needed to 
avoid redundancy in the new ports.  The maintainer, danfe@ has indicated 
to me that he needed more time to review, but I've asked for an 
indication of a timeframe and haven't heard back for over two weeks.  I 
don't know whether maintainer-timeout is relevant here since the changes 
to x11/nvidia-driver/Makefile are nonfunctional with respect to that 
port; all that happens is to make it behave correctly as a master for 
the new slave port.

Could a ports committer please look into this?


Hope danfe@ is well.

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