audio/lv2 and textproc/py-rdflib have py36 vs. py27 conflict

Luis Espinoza Jr. ljejr at
Mon May 13 10:12:59 UTC 2019

Hello all.

My system is FreeBSD 11.2-RELEASE-p9 AMD64. I update my ports tree with 
portsnap and build my ports with portmaster. For several days I have been 
trying to resolve a problem updating ffmpeg.

ffmpeg requires audio/lv2
lv2 requires textproc/py-rdflib

According to the data in the Freshports site, lv2 has a runtime dependency 
on py36-rdflib but py-rdflib has build- and runtime dependencies on 
lang/python27, and its package name is py27-rdflib.

Portmaster emits the following error compiling py-rdflib:
pkg-static: py36-rdflib-4.2.2 conflicts with py27-rdflib-4.2.2
(installs files into the same place). Problematic file: /usr/local/bin/csv2rdf
*** Error code 70

I have checked the UPDATING file and found no answer. Is there some standard 
method for dealing with python27 vs. python36 conflicts, or is this a bug in the 
lv2 dependencies that must be fixed by the maintainer?


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