ffmpeg port

Patrick M. Hausen hausen at punkt.de
Fri Jul 12 08:42:48 UTC 2019


> Am 12.07.2019 um 10:34 schrieb David Demelier <markand at malikania.fr>:
> I'm not sure how can a LTS branch that you usually never update (except CVE, security fixes) take more time than quarterly branches that you need to recreate every 3 months and do some merges.

The problem is that you need to backport security patches that you
don’t get from upstream. E.g. for PHP 5.6. As far as the PHP project
is concerned the bugfix for PHP 5.6 is PHP 7.x and PHP 5.6 is dead.

If you create an LTS branch with that older version there is the implicit
promise that it will be maintained.

Redhat does this. I don’t know how large their department for backporting
is but i guess it is „huge“.

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