Syslog Example For InfluxDB Port

Pete Wright pete at
Wed Mar 21 21:47:41 UTC 2018

Hi There,
I am running Influxd on 11.1-RELEASE and am having issues getting it to 
log to syslogd.  The rc script for influxd starts the daemon like so:

     echo "Starting ${name}."
     /usr/sbin/daemon -c -p ${influxd_pidfile} -S -s ${influxd_priority} 
-l ${influxd_facility} \
         -u ${influxd_user} ${procname} ${influxd_options}


: ${influxd_facility:="daemon"}
: ${influxd_priority:="info"}

I've added the following syslogd config as well:
daemon.*           /var/log/influxdb/influxd.log

Interestingly enough I'm unable to get log messages to end up in 
/var/log/influxdb/influxd.log.  When I manually run daemon, without any 
syslog flags passed, I do see plenty of logs ending up in stdout tho.  
I'm guessing I'm tired and missing something obvious - any other 
influxdb people have logging working as expected?


Pete Wright
pete at

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