flavors and rc scripts

Kubilay Kocak koobs at FreeBSD.org
Tue Apr 3 09:02:38 UTC 2018

On 3/04/2018 5:26 pm, Gerhard Schmidt wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to build a python package that uses flavors to allow parallel
> installation for different python versions.
> So far building an installing works fine till the start script comes in
> the picture.
> The port should install a start script for each of the flavors
> installed, but USE_RC_SUBR installs the rc.script under the name given
> and don't add the prefix or suffix. When i use
> USE_RC_SUBR=${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}scriptname i have to add a start
> script for every flavor.
> Is there a way to gent USE_RC_SUBR to add the prefix or suffix.

Hi Gerhard,

Good question.

USES=uniquefiles (or the same thing via USE_PYTHON=concurrent) *may* be
able to help you here, though I haven't seen it attempted (yet) for rc
scripts specifically.

For example, USE_PYTHON='concurrent' is a specific instantiation/use of
Uses/uniquefiles.mk, which creates version-specific copies of files,
with default filenames (optionally) symlinked to the version-suffixed
counterparts, for a certain set of files (script in localbase/bin, man
pages etc) in python ports.

You may either be able to:

a) 'extend' the list of files python.mk already looks for, for
prefixing/suffixing the rc script, or
b) use uniquefiles.mk variables directly in the port

Hope that helps.

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