sysutils/tmux - strange behaviour with new version 2.4

DutchDaemon - FreeBSD Forums Administrator DutchDaemon at
Mon May 15 17:33:15 UTC 2017

On 15-5-2017 19:18, Miroslav Lachman wrote:
> I noticed some strange behaviours with Tmux 2.4.
> If I run "cat /path/to/somefile.txt" sometimes part of file is missing
> in the output (no special characters in this text file, it is log of
> "pkg upgrade")
> And I thing some key presses are interpreted differently. (in Vim)
> I know that nobody can solve this without more details... so I am just
> asking if I am alone or somebody else have this problem too?
> Miroslav Lachman

You're ringing a bell. I wanted to mail someone the content of a shell
script, which I printed in tmux using `cat`. When I pasted the output in
my mail program it seemed to be missing a block of text, which was
commented out in the script. So there may be some unwanted interaction
going on with lines starting with #, perhaps?

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