FreeBSD Port: databases/galera [with Mariadb 101]

Калоян Механджийски k_georgiev at
Fri Mar 3 17:45:11 UTC 2017


I tried about 1 year ago Galera cluster with MySQL and it didn't work out so back then I tried as I tried today MariaDB 101 with Galera cluster. 
I see that both Galera and MariaDB ports are being modified but the combined configuration don't work at all. I also see that Galera cluster is officially supported on FreeBSD.

I have managed to bring up the cluster and make both nodes join but then replication don't work at all and even mysqld process hung when trying to stop one of the nodes. 

I have been reading this post and I ended up at the same place where the author BlindPenguin ended. 
Adding this line 'export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib/gcc49' to  /usr/local/bin/mysqld_safe made the cluster running and nodes able to join, but data transfer between nodes don't seem to work. 

I've been trying with various of configuration sets, first tried the ones (the most basic ones) from the galera official documentation, then I changed some stuff just for troubleshooting but no matter what I change I can't get it working. 

My my.cnf file:


binlog_format = 'ROW'


FreeBSD Version:
FreeBSD galeratest.mydomain.lan 11.0-RELEASE-p1 FreeBSD 11.0-RELEASE-p1 #0 r306420: Thu Sep 29 01:43:23 UTC 2016     root at  amd64

My request: Please let me know if anybody from the port maintainers did a successful cluster configuration with Galera? After all this port is not marked as broken? 
And if I can get any help from the port maintainers , or I should probably contact the Galera as port provider?

Thank you in advance. 

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