The future of portmaster [and of ports-mgmt/synth]

Torsten Zuehlsdorff mailinglists at
Fri Jun 2 14:38:43 UTC 2017

On 02.06.2017 16:29, Thierry Thomas wrote:
> Le jeu.  1 juin 17 à 15:45:43 +0200, Torsten Zuehlsdorff <mailinglists at>
>   écrivait :
>> Just as a short note: there is a complete rewrite of portmaster ongoing.
>> Since its a beast and everything else is very hard there is no public
>> evidence in case of failure. ;) Until now.
> I've been using portupgrade and then portmaster for a long time. I can
> understand the need for such tools when you have to build ports with
> non-default options.
> But I have a naive question: if pkg supports flavours, and binary
> packages are built for your sets of options, is portmaster still
> relevant?

No, but most portmaster user do not have the default set of options. And 
flavours do not change the options of binary packages - as far as i 
understand. The should solve problems like having multiple ports of the 
same programm but for php 5.6, 7.0 and 7.1 at the same time. Or for 
different python or ruby versions.


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