poudriere, python ports, and flavors oh my?

emilia at disroot.org emilia at disroot.org
Sun Dec 3 18:59:26 UTC 2017

> I had no idea that the handbook was still directing people straight to HEAD. You're absolutely
> right, that should be changed. Unfortunately, directing people to an SVN path is difficult, because
> the SVN URL changes every 3 months, and switching an SVN branch from one path to another isn't
> completely trivial.
> For binary package users, new installs always default to installing packages from quarterly, but we
> could do more to urge port builders toward quarterly branches too.

Hey, I have been using portsnap to update my ports tree and had no idea that quarterly releases of
the ports tree exist.

Maybe portsnap could be adapted to use the quarterly release and have that enabled per default on
the -RELEASE branch?
(I do not see any mention of branches in the portsnap manpage, on 11.1-RELEASE)

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