PR merge-quarterly flag

Kubilay Kocak koobs at
Sun Apr 23 15:21:44 UTC 2017

On 4/23/17 11:42 PM, qjail1 wrote:
> I submitted a PR to update a port I maintain and I selected the
> merge-quarterly flag with a ? [question mark].
> I see the updated version is now in the pkg "latest" repo, but it's not
> in the pkg "quarterly" repo yet.
> How long should it take before the merge into "quarterly" happens?

If the issue has been closed already, re-open it with a comment "Pending
merge to quarterly request/commit" and cc ports-secteam

The original committer that made the change to HEAD (hopefully also the
Assignee of the issue) should always respond to the merge-quarterly
request (?) prior to resolving, either by:

1) Cancelling (unsetting) the flag with a comment outlining why a merge
is not suitable/appropriate/possible, or

2) Setting it to + after the merge has been made, ideally referencing
the same "PR: <ID> " in the merge commit log message.

As far as 'timing' goes, commits to HEAD and subsequent merges to the
quarterly branch should take place within short order of each other,
*possibly* with an delay *if* it requires ports-secteam approval, most
changes are implicitly approved and don't require it), and the Bugzilla
issue can be considered not resolved (or closed) until both the commit
and the merge takes place.

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