Is pkg quarterly really needed?

Kurt Jaeger lists at
Thu Apr 20 17:11:19 UTC 2017


> Fine, but would that be a good approach? Doesn't it look more like a 
> process change than a code change?

For me, it does not look like a process-change only.

I haven't thought through all the details, I'm going with my
intuition here (because thinking it through takes a long time).

One number: I made approx. 40 commits to quarterly trees in 2 years,
and broke it one least once, probably more often. Go to

and then limit the view to the 8 quarterlies and check those commits.
It might as well be my sloppiness, but...

> Surely, some code would need to be 
> changed but then again, wouldn't that be mostly configuration?

My gut feeling says it's more than a little change and a bit
of configuration.

pi at            +49 171 3101372                         3 years to go !

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