apache-solr PR: 201455 (I think 212104 blocks usage of apache-solr)

Matthias Fechner idefix at fechner.net
Sun Sep 11 08:14:33 UTC 2016

Am 11.09.2016 um 09:41 schrieb Kurt Jaeger:
> I've tested the startup.
> Directly after the make install, if one tries to start solr,
> three -dist files need to be copied to allow solr to start:
>   /var/db/solr/solr.xml-dist
>   /usr/local/etc/solr.in.sh-dist
>   /var/log/solr/log4j.properties-dist
> Can you try to provide those files with the @sample mechanism
> described in
> https://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/porters-handbook/book.html#plist-config
> to avoid these manual steps ?

sure, I already add it to my local version and uploaded the patch to the PR.

> As far as I understand, if the -dist files are copied to the
> relevant places, the startup still fails, probably because
> the default values are not valid ?
> So what parameters are needed for a simple startup ?
you have to create an instance and provide a configuration therefor as
noted in the installation instruction:
For more information how to configure solr check the manual:


Maybe you can copy an example to the database folder to test the startup
cp -R /usr/local/solr/example/example-DIH/solr/solr /var/db/solr/
chown -R www /var/db/solr/solr

After this maybe the start will work (I cannot test it, as I have my
package already deployed to all my servers and do not want to disturb
the usage).



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