Vulnerabilities not included into FreeBSD vuxml

Roger Marquis marquis at
Tue Oct 25 01:23:50 UTC 2016

>> MySQL -
>> cpuoct2016-2881722.html#AppendixMSQL
>> VirtualBox -
>> cpuoct2016-2881722.html#AppendixOVIR
> I don't use My SQL, but the list does not include any CVEs that are
> applicable to the versions currently in ports. Ot at least MySQL 5.5. and
> VirtualBox. (Packages lag a bit and I imagine that 5.5.53 (MySQL) and 5.1.8
> (VB) may not be available in all repos for a couple of days.)

Many of us see this as a major weakness in the FreeBSD security model.
The fact that a port or package was deprecated after being installed is
simply not a good reason for not listing it in the vulnxml.  I say this
from experience have had to inform more than one FreeBSD site that they
were hosting known insecure software when they had previously trusted
'pkg audit'.

Roger Marquis

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