really to pkg people

Matthew Seaman matthew at
Mon Nov 28 17:46:21 UTC 2016

On 2016/11/28 17:21, Julian Elischer wrote:
> It's most disconcerting when a quarterly collection of packages
> disappears and one has nowhere to get new packages that match all the
> ones out in the field. Since 10.3 is the latest 10 release and the
> release_3 collection is gettign soemwhat dated, it would be nice to have
> a stable quarterly set to refer to  that is not going to disappear in 3
> months!

IIRC the original proposal was to keep each quarterly branch around for
a year, but I believe that was infeasible due to the space requirements,
and the extra workload of getting changes MFH'd to four different
branches would be not be popular.

> machines get shipped.. they go to customers. They are frozen in time. 
> If debugging requires a new package, we have to have copied the entire
> quarterly set  "just in case". because the originals from freebsd have
> done a runner.  Are they archived somewhere?

If your requirement is to have a frozen/slushy[*] package repo for more
than 3 months at a time, have you considered running your own poudriere
server?  You probably only need to build a fairly small proportion of
the available ports, and if you keep a static copy of the ports tree on
hand to build from, you can easily add anything you need, built
compatibly with all your existing packages.  That's doable with a very
ordinary server: no need for massive amounts of disk space or super-fast
CPUs.  If you arrange to build stuff over night, it can quite happily
timeshare on a machine that is busy during the day.



[*] ie. security updates only.

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