installing a kibana plugin (re textproc/kibana43)

Dan Langille dan at
Tue Nov 1 16:23:59 UTC 2016

I am using Kibana 4.3 on FreeBSD 9.3 and I want to use textproc/elasticsearch2-plugin-marvel 2.1.0

I have everything installed from packages and I'm reading the Elasticseach documentation
 (see #5 at <>)

I'm getting stuck on 'Install the Marvel app into Kibana'.

The instructions look for a kibana binary (I think).  The command is:

   bin/kibana plugin --install elasticsearch/marvel/2.1.2

Where is that kibana binary? It's not references by the port that I could find.

How does one install a Kibana plugin on FreeBSD?


Dan Langille - BSDCan / PGCon
dan at

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