Zimbra Port

rs rs+freebsd-ports at trust64.com
Wed Jun 1 16:39:34 UTC 2016

Hi Jim,

I never would have thought of taking upon such a huge project alone, but 
Zimbra is reaching out and they actively want Zimbra supported on 
FreeBSD (at least Zimbra-FOSS) and I can count on their help.

Also they are restructuring their components because they want zimbra to 
be included in other repositories also (Ubuntu, Debian, RPM based, 
etc.). So with the help of Zimbra it may not be an impossible task.



On 06/01/16 16:19, Jim Ohlstein wrote:
> Sorry for the top post.
> We use Zimbra on an Ubuntu LTS VM with storage via iSCSI.
> Given the magnitude, I honestly don't think ports or packages is really the way to go. I believe that most people use a dedicated (to Zimbra) server or VM.
> If I were to approach this project, I'd do it outside of ports, maybe on github, or possibly as a VM image.
> That's not to say it can't be done, rather that a project of this size requires a layout that is not native to FreeBSD ports, and it's so massive with so many moving parts, having to comply with the ports infrastructure, and to maintain it, is probably far more effort than it's worth.
> Jim Ohlstein
>> On Jun 1, 2016, at 9:47 AM, rs <rs+freebsd-ports at trust64.com> wrote:
>> Hello List,
>> I am trying to create a port of the zimbra collaboration suite. I am in contact with upstream and they are actively helping in making a port happen.
>> It would be my first FreeBSD port (although I have a lot of linux knowledge and know how to create packages for .deb).
>> My first steps involve right now making everything compile (Zimbra includes *a lot* of libraries themselves instead of relying on the OS to provide them).
>> I have a couple of questions though:
>> * Zimbra expects itself to be installed to /opt/zimbra. It is not easy to change that, /opt/zimbra is hardcoded in a lot of places. Its a longterm goal of mine to help clean that up, but it is not possible right now. Are there any problems with a package which installs to /opt?
>> * The Zimbra source is huge, a git clone is about 13 GigaBytes. I am not sure on how source that big is handled correctly in ports. (e.g. is it OK that every make does a git clone and you have to wait until you get the 13 GB of data? Would this be a problem for the FreeBSD build cluster infrastructure to create the packages?, ...)
>> * On the porters handbook it says to fetch a tarball from http/ftp, is it also possible to directly work with git and clone a repository?
>> This is the right place to get help started in porting? FreeBSD has so much mailing lists :-)
>> Thank you,
>> Best
>> RAy
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