Zimbra Port

rs rs+freebsd-ports at trust64.com
Wed Jun 1 13:47:03 UTC 2016

Hello List,

I am trying to create a port of the zimbra collaboration suite. I am in 
contact with upstream and they are actively helping in making a port 

It would be my first FreeBSD port (although I have a lot of linux 
knowledge and know how to create packages for .deb).

My first steps involve right now making everything compile (Zimbra 
includes *a lot* of libraries themselves instead of relying on the OS to 
provide them).

I have a couple of questions though:

* Zimbra expects itself to be installed to /opt/zimbra. It is not easy 
to change that, /opt/zimbra is hardcoded in a lot of places. Its a 
longterm goal of mine to help clean that up, but it is not possible 
right now. Are there any problems with a package which installs to /opt?

* The Zimbra source is huge, a git clone is about 13 GigaBytes. I am not 
sure on how source that big is handled correctly in ports. (e.g. is it 
OK that every make does a git clone and you have to wait until you get 
the 13 GB of data? Would this be a problem for the FreeBSD build cluster 
infrastructure to create the packages?, ...)

* On the porters handbook it says to fetch a tarball from http/ftp, is 
it also possible to directly work with git and clone a repository?

This is the right place to get help started in porting? FreeBSD has so 
much mailing lists :-)

Thank you,

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