blender and cycles engine

Stari Karp starikarp at
Sat Jul 30 23:42:23 UTC 2016


The new Blender 2.77a is in the ports which has many improvement
related to the Cycles engine but  on my system FreeBSD 10.3-RELEASE
(amd64) is still not possible to run Blender with Cycles option on. It
build but Blender doesn't start:
Assertion failed: (findOption(Name) == Values.size() && "Option already
exists!"), function addLiteralOption, file
3.7.1.src/include/llvm/Support/CommandLine.h, line 698.
Abort (core dumped)

This problem exist very long time and my question is if someone knows
how is the future of Blender wit Cycles engine on.
Thank you.


BTW: I have FreeBSD installed on iMac and on OSX Blender works without

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