Re:?==?utf-8?q? devel/sope: make (stage-qa) now fails with DEVELOPER=yes complaining about iconv dependency

Euan Thoms euan at
Fri Jul 15 23:13:48 UTC 2016

On Friday, July 15, 2016 14:27 SGT, mokhi <mokhi64 at> wrote: 
> > I'll look into this as soon as I can
> Okay :) thanks
> As I'm maintainer of mysql57, someone mailed me logs of that problem,
> AFAIK There's no problem for mysql56 but it happens when 57 is found
> instead of 56
> Thanks and regards, Mokhi.
Now that's interesting. I'm glad you mentioned that, it could save me a lot of time. Coincidentally, just going through my emails, I read a headline for BSD Magazine article about problems with MySQL 5.7 on FreeBSD, Since I still haven't got round to subscribing I can't read the article yet. I am not up on the issue, is there anywhere I can read up on the issue?
Regards, Euan Thoms 

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