category customports

Michelle Sullivan michelle at
Fri Feb 19 10:23:04 UTC 2016

Walter Schwarzenfeld wrote:
> typos ... How should that work?

Very easily - but wouldn't necessarily solve your issue without a lot
more work...

as someone else pointed out you can use VALID_CATEGORIES+=local in your
/etc/make.conf file...

The '+' if you didn't realise is to append it on anything already
defined (which would probably limited to anything you use on the command

Anyhow I have a svn repository locally which is a match to the public one.
I have my own svn repo with my local copy of my version of ports which
supports pkg_* tools.
I have a perl script that (mostly) correctly patches my local ports tree
with the changes from the public tree whilst not screwing over the
makefiles that build packages using pkg_* tools.
The local version also includes ports for pkg_* tools on 10.x and 11.x
and other interesting stuff I was working on like a pkgng version, bmake
etc that could bootstrap pkgng onto 6.x and 7.x...  (this doesn't work
at the moment and probably never will because rather than finishing,
$employer has decided to drop FreeBSD completely - well mandate it's not
used which forces me to drop it.)
I have the scripts to create the portsnap files which I currently
publish on a publicly accessible server so my own servers can get it.

So if you have the time and/or desire/or need, you can create your own
portsnap distributable tree with your own version of ports.


Michelle Sullivan

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