Custom base jails for ZFS replication

Chad Perrin code at
Wed Dec 21 06:09:14 UTC 2016

On Wed, Dec 21, 2016 at 12:59:23AM -0500, Randy Westlund wrote:
> Is there a jail management tool that lets you install packages in a base
> jail, and share that with multiple thin jails?

I know ezjail does this, as far as it goes.

> I want to deploy many thin jails across multiple servers, and be able to
> update both the base system and ports in a base jail and then ZFS
> replicate that to the base jails on the production servers.  I'd like
> the thin jails to only contain my customer-specific application data, so
> I don't have to manually update all of them.

I'm not sure what it would take to use a base jail across separate
servers.  It is not something I have tried to do, or even thought of a
reason I'd need it.

> I don't see any way to do this with ezjail or iocage.  Does anyone else
> have a deployment like this?

It sounds distinctly out of the ordinary, so I would not be surprised if
there is little or no tool support for it.

Chad Perrin [ original content licensed OWL: ]

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