Openssh on ipv6 only jail

Bjoern A. Zeeb bzeeb-lists at
Thu Nov 5 00:30:38 UTC 2015

> On 04 Nov 2015, at 21:18 , Frank de Bot (lists) <lists at> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've a jail setup with only ipv6. I want to use openssh as ssh daemon.
> When ssh to the jail, it ask for password, accepts it shows motd and
> then everything freezes. I also get a shell line like '[searchy at ipv6only
> ~]$ '. The client isn't even able to use key sequences like ~. to
> terminate. Only when sshd processes are killed on the server, the
> connection is released, everything I tried to send over ssh, is now in
> my local terminal
> I've found out that this behaviour isn't occuring when I set up the jail
> with ipv4 too. Even when openssh is only listening on ipv6, there is no
> problem.
> My jail config is:
> ipv6only {
>        host.hostname = "ipv6only";
> #       ip4.addr = x.x.x.224;
>        ip6.addr = x:x:x:4::7;
>        path = "/opt/jails/ipv6only";
> }
> what can cause it hang so badly when using only ipv6? there is no
> difference between shells.

ports might not be the best list.  I have been running IPv6-only jails for years and I have IPv6-only VMs.

Just to clarify, what version of FreeBSD base system,  what version of world for the jail, and which version of openssh do you have?


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