python --with-pydebug and google generate your project build tools

Fred Woods fred.woods at
Sun Jan 11 02:34:36 UTC 2015

The google generate your project build tool used by some ports (chromium,
firefox) is not compatible with python built with the debug option
starting at lines 896 to 904.
Code looks for non-zero status or any output on stderr.
Python built with --with-pydebug will write a references count to stderr
upon exit of a python process.
If runs a python sub process, the pydebug output will cause to assume there was an error in the sub process.

Easy solution: don't build the python port with debugging.
Ugly solution: patch in each affected port to not treat stderr
output as an error.
if p.wiat() != 0 or p_stderr:
if p.wait() != 0:

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