[TESTING] BIND9 chroot trying to get back

Mathieu Arnold mat at FreeBSD.org
Mon Feb 23 19:31:26 UTC 2015


While I don't see a real need for it, I've heard you, and I'm getting the
named chroot back in the port.  I've only worked on dns/bind99 for now, but
when it's ready, I'll apply the patch to all the available BIND9 ports that
there is.

The diff is available on our phabric, at
<https://reviews.freebsd.org/D1952> you don't need an account to see, or
download the patch.  To download the patch, there is a "download raw diff"
on the right of the header.

Any testing done by someone else that me is appreciated, comments,
changes... are welcome too, as long as they are constructive ones.

WARNING: while I've tested it, it may unleash a troll that will your
configuration, or something, if you test on production servers, don't come
bitching about it breaking everything afterwards. :-)

Mathieu Arnold

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