squid default options

Pavel Timofeev timp87 at gmail.com
Sun Dec 6 09:44:49 UTC 2015

I'm a maintainer of squid port and I'd like to ask you about default
squid options turned on by default.
Squid 4 is in release candidate stage now and we already have an
initial port for it here

So, how do you think, what options should be turned on by default?

I think the main idea should be if option doesn't invoke any
additional dependency it should be turned on.
However, there are options like TP_{IPF,IPFW,PF} which mean
'Transparent proxying with {IPF,IPFW,PF}'. They don't invoke any
If you have GENERIC kernel and world, of course.
Well, I know, we can't satisfy everyone, so default option set have to
be guided by common sense and  appropriate for the most.

But there are FreeBSD based OSs like pfSense, FreeNAS, etc..
Should we think/care about them? To be honest I've never used them. I
can misunderstand something.

Same story with GSSAPI_BASE. It needs kerberos from base system, that
can absent in others FreeBSD bases OSs.

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