handling heterostructured tarball

Sergei Vyshenski svysh.fbsd at gmail.com
Mon Sep 15 04:24:35 UTC 2014


A tarball of the original software has 2 subdirs in it:

1) subdir1 with a regular perl module with a Makefile.PL
2) subdir2 with related i18n stuff with a GNU Makefile.

How to port this software?

Was only able to invent a solution with two different ports (myport and
myport-i18n) which share the same distribution tarball, but have different
WRKSRC settings:

myport has

WRKSRC=    .../subdir1

myport-i18n has

WRKSRC=    .../subdir2

But this solution puts extra load on committers, as both ports usually need
be updated simultaneously.

Is there a clever and methodical way to port this software?
Something similar to using SUBDIR construct from bsd.port.subdir.mk ?

Thank you very much ahead of time.
All the best,

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