Reset your Twitter password

Twitter password at
Tue Nov 25 08:44:59 UTC 2014

Brackett VanSchaick,
Forgot your Twitter password?

We received a request to reset the password for your account, @vanschaick36ln.

If you made this request, click the link below. If you didn't make this request, you can ignore this email.!8EN0FWMUClar34q4=-1416905086856&confirm_pending_email=0&token_version=0&password_reset_cause=user

If you're getting a lot of password reset emails you didn't request, you can change your settings to require personal information to reset your password.

If you have more questions about password reset, please visit our help center


Please do not reply to this message; it was sent from an unmonitored email address. This message is a service email related to your use of Twitter.

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