
Jeffrey Bouquet jeffreybouquet at
Mon Nov 24 01:57:39 UTC 2014

>>On Sun, 11/23/14, Ajtim <lumiwa at> wrote:

 >>Subject: gtk20

 >>The yesterdays update of gtk20 works but I have a problem
 >>with Firefox and 
 >>with GIMP:

I'm concerned also, but because of "pkg install glib20 gtk20" has to be run like
this ... am waiting for a fix before or after the next thu/fri upgrade...
because it may take way too long to upgrade all the gnome packages piecemeal

pkg install glib20 gtk20
"install glib20 gtk20 3rd... 5th ???"
  proceeds to download the updates to the local cache 
  errors out for the install     <<<<<<

so then it is

pkg delete -f glib20 
pkg add glib20-#-txz
pkg delete -f gtk20
pkg add gtk20-#-txz

which is a workaround for the bug posted previously and to the forum... unless it
disappears in the next thu -- fri update sequence. 

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