net-mgmt/icinga2: Icinga Web is not working: Error: Could not read object configuration data!

Lars Engels lars.engels at
Sat Nov 1 13:12:12 UTC 2014

On Fri, Oct 31, 2014 at 07:55:04PM +0100, O. Hartmann wrote:
> On CURRENT (most recent), I run net-mgmt/icinga2. Setup ran smooth, I also set up the IDO
> for PostgreSQL. Checking whether icinga2 logs data to the PostgreSQL database resulted
> positive.
> I try to install/configure a Web Interface a sdescribed in the Icinga2 docs. IDO is a
> prerequiste for Icinga Web (I'm not using Icinga Web 2!).
> For that purpose, I installed net/mgmt/icinga (which contains the web interface). I made
> the proper changes to /usr/local/etc/icinga/cgi.cfg as reported in this HowTo:
> Please see also
> Via
> icinga2-enable-feature I also enabled all requested modules as described in the Icinga2
> docs.
> So far. Having doen EXACTLY as suggested, I do not get any kind of Webinterface. The web
> browser (Mozilla Firefox) reports always: Error: Could not read object configuration data!
> There is something missing.
> Is someone using Icinga2 with the classical Web and has followed these instructions and
> gets a different result?

Hi Oliver,

on a clean system, I just followed (my own) CFT instructions you also
used. I didn't encounter a problem. The only typo in the list is that
cp /usr/local/share/examples/icinga/apache22/icinga.conf-sample /usr/local/etc/apache2/Includes/icinga.conf
                                                                             should be apache22

Apart from this, there wasn't anything that didn't work. I used
"pkg install apache22 icinga icinga2" though and didn't need to copy the
.cfg-sample file as the icinga port does this by itself now.

Can you please check all file and directory locations you changed in
icinga/cgi.cfg? I guess the "status_file" line leads to a non-existing

Please also CC me on any questions you have regarding icinga[2] and
FreeBSD as I maintain both ports.

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