[CFT]: net-mgmt/icinga2

Lars Engels lars.engels at 0x20.net
Wed Jun 18 14:36:37 UTC 2014

Hey folks,

I proudly present a CFT for the shiny new monitoring software Icinga 2,
a completely rewritten, multi-threaded, flexible and scalable successor
to Icinga 1.
Although it is completely new it still can run with your Icinga / Nagios
plugins and addons.

To use Icinga 2 with the Classic Web interface do the following:

% Download and extract shar file 

# fetch -o /tmp http://bsd-geek.de/FreeBSD/icinga2_1.shar
# cd /usr/ports && sh /tmp/icinga2_1.shar

% Install net-mgmt/icinga2
% Install net-mgmt/icinga 
% Install www/apache22

% Configure Apache and Icinga Classic Web

# cp /usr/local/share/examples/icinga/apache22/icinga.conf-sample /usr/local/etc/apache2/Includes/icinga.conf
# cp /usr/local/etc/icinga/cgi.cfg-sample /usr/local/etc/icinga/cgi.cfg

% Make changes to cgi.cfg:


% Create a basic auth file 

# htpasswd -c -s /usr/local/etc/icinga/htpasswd.users icingaadmin
 (enter some password)

% Enable Apache and Icinga 2

# sysrc apache22_enable=YES
# sysrc icinga2_enable=YES

% Enable additional Icinga 2 features

# icinga2-enable-feature checker command compatlog icingastatus livestatus mainlog notification statusdata

% Start Apache and Icinga 2

# service apache22 start
# service icinga2 start

% Check /var/log/icinga2/icinga2.log and error.log for any errors
% Browse to http://localhost/icinga
% Log in as icingaadmin

% Read http://docs.icinga.org/icinga2/latest/doc/module/icinga2/toc

% (Hopefully) have fun!

Please share your experience with me. :)

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