Error: Orphaned: @unexec rmdir "/home" >/dev/null 2>&1 || : (PING)

Gerald Pfeifer gerald at
Sat Jul 5 22:09:18 UTC 2014

On Tue, 1 Jul 2014, Gerald Pfeifer wrote:
>>> It's LOCALBASE that points to /home/gerald/10-i386, so I am really 
>>> puzzled about those @unexec rmdir's that want to remove my LOCALBASE.
>> You can try attached patch.
> Cool.  That fixes the issue in my tests.

Thinking a bit more about this:  Doesn't this just silence the 
diagnostics, while "something" still adds those entries to the 
package that trie to remove the parent directories of LOCALBASE?

That is, shouldn't those @unexec rmdir's not be added beyond 
("higher") than LOCALBASE?


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