Some suggestions about PKGNG documentation

Warren Block wblock at
Sat Jul 5 02:35:28 UTC 2014

On Fri, 4 Jul 2014, Mike Brown wrote:

> Patrick Powell wrote:
>> TUTORIAL:  The Savant's Guide To Ports, Packages, PkgNG
>> Try to put a lot of the information about pkgng, repositories,
>> etc. in a single place.  I suggest a tutorial format,  rather
>> than a user manual format,  with references to the various
>> man pages, other documents, etc.
> Your suggestions sound good to me.
> Unfortunately, it's not like there's a team of tech writers sitting around
> waiting for suggestions of things to write and put into the docs. Rather,
> updating pretty much anything in the documentation -- or the ports for that
> matter -- requires "suggesting" the actual changes you want in the form of
> patches that replace the existing content with your version.

The documentation team has a standing offer to either assist with markup 
or accept content-only submissions and do the markup on them.  Clear, 
useful instructions are the difficult part to create.  It helps if the 
writer is familiar with existing work like the Handbook, but is not 

> After starting down this road, you may decide it's less of an ordeal just to
> write something yourself and put it up on your own blog. :/

It's sometimes easier to do that, but fewer people benefit.

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