Tomcat7: Unable to stop process (unlike tomcat6)

Mike Jakubik mike.jakubik at
Mon Dec 8 23:16:43 UTC 2014


I've Noticed that the rc.d script for tomcat7 has changed from version 
6. In tomcat6 a function called tomcat_stop() would force kill after a 
certain timeout, this no longer happens in tomcat7 and sometimes we are 
unable to stop it using the rc.d script, it just sits there waiting for 

In tomcat6 we had:

tomcat_stop() {
         rc_pid=$(tomcat_check_pidfile $pidfile)

         if [ -z "$rc_pid" ]; then
                 [ -n "$rc_fast" ] && return 0
                 echo "${name} not running? (check $pidfile)."
                 return 1

         echo "Stopping ${name}."
         ${java_command} stop
         tomcat_wait_max_for_pid ${tomcat%%TOMCAT_VERSION%%_stop_timeout} 
         kill -KILL ${rc_pid} 2> /dev/null && echo "Killed."
         rm -f ${pidfile}

This function is no longer available in the version 7 rc.d script, is 
there any way it can be modified to function like in version 6?

Thank you.

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